Our Yellow Pages are still giving online ads a run for their money

If you want to find local people businesses but your internet connection just failed you. No need to worry, you can always turn to our local phone book directory, Your Town Directory, to find anyone in Northern New Jersey. Your Town Directory has a place in every residence and every business. With our Yellow pages, you get a variety of custom advertising opportunities, providing your brand with the most exposure for the least amount of money. If you thought yellow pages have gone out of business with everything available online, think again.

Reasons why our yellow pages are still relevant:

* One of the main advantages of yellow page ads is that it is non-intrusive. The people browsing through a yellow page is actually looking for a service.

* Highly targeted: Our Yellow Pages has specific categories or headings in which advertisers can place an ad. This makes business highly visible to people searching for local businesses specialising in a particular service.

* Highly Effective: Yellow pages have been able to track down local people and business for customers for years and it still does. Small and medium sized businesses get exposure to homes and businesses, so that they can compete more effectively against larger, more well-known companies. Local businesses can grow their customer base and reach out to potential customers who live or work near the business, in other neighbourhoods or far across town. Also you can easily track and measure the return on investment.

* One of the main things that causes consumers to look in the Yellow Pages is major life events. Whether you have recently married, are purchasing a new home, or are moving to a new area, the Yellow Pages are the easiest way to find reliable services and products from local business owners.

Your Town Directory is the primary source for all residential and commercial listings in Northern New Jersey. Our Your Town Directory users are home and business owners. When they need to find a local business in a hurry, they reach for our directories as their first and only source. With our Premium space display advertising we can provide maximum exposure for your business. When you use our directory to list your local business, you can be sure of a great return on investment and you can expand your client base too.